
Showing posts from September, 2020

Alan Rickman - Sandwich Demon

Lunchtime: the great leveller. A List or runner, everyone gets hungry.  I'd strolled over to a Soho Pret, my stomach rumbling.  There wasn't much on offer.  A solitary egg salad sandwich in fact.  I reached for it...too slowly it seemed. Another hand shot forward and hi-jacked my sandwich.  I turned and found myself staring at Alan Rickman.  He smiled - did a comic eye brow raise - and was gone.... As was my sandwich. Even a Death Eater has to eat. I picked up an overpriced salad and waited in the line.   Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Rickman wiggling his sandwich at me on the other side of the window,  a cheeky smile on his face, before he took off again. All in good fun. But that day, I wish he'd been less Hans Gruber and more Hands off my Grub.